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2025 Treat Street Exhibitor

Treat Street returns for 2025! We are looking for local businesses and partners to support our community for a safe weekend of trick-or-treating and family fun with over 4,000 attendees over the two day event.

If you have any questions about the event, please reach out to Event Coordinator, Meagan Perks at Mperks@arapahoegov.com.

Please note that all exhibitors who complete this application are not guaranteed a space at Treat Street. You will be notified if your application has been accepted or declined.

This application is for exhibitors only. For more information about becoming a food exhibitor, please email: Lindsey Friend at LFriend@arapahoegov.com

October 18 & 19, 2025

Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m.*

Arapahoe County Fairgrounds Event Center

25690 E Quincy Ave, Aurora, CO 80016

*Times subject to change

Exhibitor Pricing:
  • $100 + 3% fee upon checkout- 10x10 Booth & 2 Exhibitor Badges (Early Bird pricing until September 2 when price increases to $150 + 3%)
  • $200 + 3% fee upon checkout - 10x20 Booth & 4 Exhibitor Badges (Early Bird pricing until September 2 when price increases to $250 + 3%)
  • All Exhibitors are required to provide:
    • Insurance naming Arapahoe County as an additionally insured
    • Sales Tax ID number
    • Applicable licensing such as Health and Fire Department
  • The following products and practices are prohibited at Arapahoe County Fairgrounds Signature Events; please do not purchase a booth space if your product and/or brand falls into these categories:
      • a. Laser lights, silly string, shocking devices, and drug paraphernalia are not allowed on the fairgrounds.
      • b. No Fireworks, exploding devices.
      • c. No weapons of any kind are allowed on the fairgrounds at any time.
      • d. No alcohol may be brought onto the fairgrounds unless included in the event’s Special Event Permit via the Fairgrounds Event Coordinator.
      • e. Due to security risk, the sale of the following items is not allowed: swords, hunting knives, pocket knives, firearms or items resembling firearms, noisemakers, and smoke bombs.
      • f. No controlled substances can be sold or distributed on the fairgrounds.
      • g. Merchandise referring to alcohol abuse, drug use, violence or that is sexually explicit or suggestive in nature.
  • All Exhibitors must provide enough candy or a kid-friendly giveaway for 3,000 people

Contact Information

Company Information

Treat Street Vendor Space
10x10 Vendor Booth
10x20 Vendor Booth
Previous Vendor
All vendors of Treat Street must submit insurance to Meagan Perks at MPerks@arapahoegov.com by October 13, 2025.

The submitted insurance must include: Commerical General Liability insurance with minimum combined single limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000) each occurrence and one million dollars ($1,000,000) aggregate. The required commercial general liability shall be endorsed to include Arapahoe County as Certificate Holder and name Arapahoe County and its elected officials, officers, employees and agents as additionally insured.

Additionally insured party:
Arapahoe County
25690 E. Quincy Ave. Aurora, CO 80016.

If you do not have insurance you can purchase it at, www.actinsurance.com or https://securevendorinsurance.com/DeanTW
Please upload a copy of your insurance below
Treat Street Vendor Terms and Conditions
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